Welcome to the Euroserie Supertwin Top gas homepage.

Congratulations to2017 champion:

Joerg Lymant from Germany.

welcome racefans


Race #3: Hoškovice, Czech Rep: 23-24 june.

Eight teams were present for the third race in the Euroserie.
Conditions were colder then usual, a strong side wind and some rain on saturday, but a little better on sunday.
For safety reasons, the decision was made on sunday to do the eliminations on the 1/8 mile instead of the usual distance. And all qualifications were solo runs.

Jan Malmberg was first in line in round one.

A good beginning of the weekend for Janne, as he produced a "seven seconds pass" with his superchargered  V-twin.

The "test & tune" on friday late afternoon was, as usual, used by Herman Jolink who had fitted new pistons that gave the Ducati motor a bit more compression.

But it did not help him much during his first qualification attempt.

The team of Anders Jensen from Denmark also tried to make a rest run on the quarter mile strip on friday, as Anders had only raced his supercharged Harley on the 1/8 mile tracks of Malmö and Mosten.
But the gearbox refused to cooperate, and the team started wrenching.

During the first qualification, Anders did the quickest 60-foot of all, but the valve train components could not handle the horsepower that the bike  produces since early this season.
The team tried to repair, but had to throw the towel, later that day.

Sven Ole Schleichert qualified # 6 in round one on his Destroyer. There were no other V-rod to play with, as Sasha Brodbeck broke his gearbox at the last race, at Alkersleben.

Joerg Lymant had already won the first two races of the Euroserie, and was the top qualifier after round one with 7.77 seconds.

Martin Buehler from Switserland is trying hard to go quicker the the previous owner of the bike.  Martin hit the rev-limiter several times during his attemps.

Janek Severa was very busy, he had entered two classes with his Suzuki TL1000, STTG and the Competition Dragster class.
Janek suffered gearbox problems, as it often refused to shift.

Martin Buehler's bike stopped half way down the track in round two.

Then Sven-Ole Schleichert did a new personal best. Well done!

Peter Niklas entered the race on the old turbocharged Honda with Christian Bruhn as his assistent. Both men have American V-twins that still need some work to become race ready.

They arrived late and skipped the first round. Peter qualified at place #8 after round two.

Then a great run by Jan Malmberg!

 7.79 seconds, A new personal best!

Then Joerg Lymant went quicker: 7.70

Rain spoiled the fun for the rest of the day, but two more rounds of qualifications were held on sunday around noon.

Herman Jolink's bike blew a head gasket at the end of the track in round three. He went to swap the engine for his spare, but ran out of time.

Peter Niklas was the only one who improved in sunday's qualifications and he moved up to place #6 in round three, while the #3 in the list was about to leave the track and go home.

Jan Malmberg produced his third "seven" of the weekend in round four, 7.82, and grabbed the bonus points for speed doing 279 KMH.

Joerg Braune is still working hard to turbocharge his Topgas bike, and joined the Modified Streettwin class with his Sportster (that is for sale) for the occasion.

Joerg was beaten in the finals by Kostelka.He hopes to have his topgas bike ready for the Mosten Raceday at the end of august.

Janek Severa (picture above) reacted better against Lymant in the quarterfinals, but that did not prevent Lymant from beating him.

Martin Buehler advanced easily while his opponent Jolink was still wrenching in his tent.

It took Malmberg only five seconds to send Schleichert home, and the opponent of Niklas was already out.

Lymant beat Buehler easily in the semifinals, while Malmberg had a narrow escape against Niklas. Malmberg's bike failed to shift to second gear. If it would have been a 1/4 mile race, he would have been out. Or if Peter had not been sleeping at the tree...

Black smoke from Malmberg's bike in the finals, while Lymant had lane choise, the better reaction and his bike ran flawless. Joerg Lymant won the third race in a row.

(All results here)

(Left to right: Jan Malmberg, Joerg Lymant, Peter Niklas)

Next race is at Drachten in the Netherlands. Probably enough entries to do a 16-field dragrace!

Mats Larsson tested his bike at the quarter mile of Sunsvalle, and will join Jan Malmberg at his trip to Drachten. Jan solved the injector problems he suffered from at Hoskovice. Team Sweden will be at Full Force at the next race.

The 2018 calender for the Euroserie Supertwin Top Gas:

Season's opener: EDRS, Malmö, Sweden: 19 may and 20 may.(read report)

Race #2: Speeddays, Alkersleben, Germany: 07-10 june. (read report)

Race #3: Drag day, Hoškovice, Czech Rep: 23-24 june.

Race : 4: Main Event, Drachten, The Netherlands: 27-29 july.

Race #5: Hockenheim, Germany: 16-19 August.

Race #6 Mosten Raceday, Denmark: 31 august - 2 september.

The five best results of these six races will count for the 2018 Euroserie championship.

If any of them gets cancelled, the spare race (SRIF, Malmö, 7-9 september) will be a valid race.


2017 Calendar:

Season's opener: Malmö, Sweden: 13-14 may (read report)

Race #2: Malmö, Sweden: 3-4 june (read report)

Race #3: Drachten, The Netherlands: 28-30 july (read report)

:Race #4:  Hockenheim, Germany: 18-20 august (read report)

Race #5: Mosten Racedays, Denmark: 1 & 2 september (read report)

Race #6: Drachten, The Netherlands: 29 sept-1 october (not valid)

Read the season's review.

The best 5 results count for the 2017 championship


See the results of all racers on the European Dragracing Database. ____________________________________________________

Season 2016:

Season's opener: 13-15 may Malmö, Sweden. (read report)

Race #2: Bechyne, Czech Rep: (read report)

Race #3: Drachten, The Netherlands: 1-3-july (read report)

Race #4: Hoškovice, Czech Rep: 16 july (read report)

Race #5: Drachten, The Netherlands: 22-24-july (read report)

Race #6:  Hockenheim, Germany: 19-21 august (read report)

Race #7: Mosten Racedays, Denmark: 2 & 3 september (read report)

Season 2015:

Season's opener: Hoskovice, Czech Rep., 9 & 10 may (read report)

Race #2: Bechyne, Czech Rep: 30 & 31 may (read report)

Race #3: Malmö, Sweden: 26 - 28 june (read report)

Race #4: Drachten, The Netherlands: 10 - 12-july (read report)

Race #5:  Hockenheim, Germany: 7- 9 august (read report)

Race #6: Mosten, Denmark: 28 & 29 august (read report)

Finals: Malmö, Denmark: 11-13 september (read report)

Season's preview


Read the 2014 preview.

Race Dates Supertwin Top Gas 2014:

3-4 may: Hoskovice airfield, Cz. Drag Day One, Knebl Drag Promotion (read report)

31 may-1june: Bechyne airbase, Cz. MSTO (read report)

28-29 june: Santa Pod raceway, UK. Summernationals SPRC (read report)

18-20 july: Malmö Raceway, Sweden (read report)

8-10 aug: Hockenheim, NitrOlympX, Germany (read report)

29-30 aug: Mosten Raceway, near Randers, Denmark (read report)

13-14 sept: Hoskovice airfield, Cz. Drag day Three, Knebl Drag Promotion (read report)

Read the 2015 preview.


If you want to join in and need a good bike to compete, check the 4sale section.


Race Dates Supertwin Topgas 2013:

4.-5. May, Drag Day Open Hoskovice CZ (read report)

25.-27. May,  NAST Championship, Avon Park GB ( read report)

31. May – 2. Juni,  Grand Nationals Bechyne CZ ( read report)

3.-4. August, Vandel, Denmark ( read report)

9.-11. August, NitrOlympX Hockenheim D (read report)

16.-18. August, Dutch Finals Drachten NL Cancelled!!!

30-31. August, Mosten Race Days, Randers DK (read report)

15 September, Drag Day Finals Hoskovice CZ (read report)

The best six results count for the 2013 championship.


These were the 2012 race dates:

09-10 june: Drag Day Europe Hoskovice CZ (read report)

22-23-24 june: Dutch Open Drachten NL (read report)

29-30 juni/1 july: Dragster Eurogames Bechyne CZ (read report)

20-21-22 july: Dutch Open Drachten NL Cancelled!!!

10-11-12 aug: NitrOlympx Hockenheim D (read report)

17-18-19 aug: Dutch Open Finals Drachten NL (read report)

31aug-01 sep: Mosten Race Days Randers DK (read report)


2011 Euroserie dates:

07-08 may: Drag days1 Hoskovice Czech republic. (read report)
04-05 june: Drag days 2 Hoskovice Czech republic.
(read report)
17-19 june: Dutch Open Drachten 1,The Netherlands (read report)
15-17 july: Dutch Open, Drachten 2,The Netherlands (read report)
12-14 aug: , Nitrolympx Hockenheim, Germany. (read report)
26-28 aug: Dutch open finals, Drachten 3, The Netherlands (read report)
01-04 sept: Mosten MC Race days, Randers, Denmark.(read report)

Season's review 2012

The six best results count for the 2011 championship.


These were the 2010 Euroserie Supertwin Topgas race dates:

8-9 mai: Hoskovice, Cz (read report)

18-20 june: Drachten, Nl (read report)

9-11 july: Drachten, Nl (read report)

29 july - 1 august: Mantorp, Se (read report)

13-15 august: Hockenheim, De (read report)

20-22 august: Drachten, Nl (read report)

2-4 september: Mosten, Dk (read report)

Best six results count for the 2010 championship.


This were he race dates for the euroserie supertwin topgas 2009.

15-17 mai: Malmö. Se. (read report)

13-14 june: Hoskovice ,Cz (read report)

19-21 june: Drachten, Nl (read report)

3-5 july: Luckau, De (read report)

10-12 july: Drachten, Nl (read report)

14-16 august: Hockenheim, De (read report)

21-23 august: Drachten, Nl (read report)

Best six results count for the championship.

Watch the quarter finals 21 june 2009 Drachten:



2008 season:

1) Malmo (S) 31 May- 1 June (read report)

2) Hoskovice (Cz) 13-15 june (read report)

3) Drachten (NL) 20-22 june (read report)

4) Luckau (D) 4-6 july (read report)

5) Drachten (NL) 11-13 july (read report)

Testing and tuning can be done in Hockenheim on 9-10 aug.

6) Hochenheim (D) 15-16-17 aug. (read report)

7) Drachten (NL) 29-31 aug.
(read report)

Race reports for 2007:

18- 20 may: Malmö (read report)

16-17 june: Hoskovice, Cz (read report) google earth placemark

29 june-1 july: Luckau, De. (read report) google earth placemark

13-15 july: Wittstock, De. (read report) google earth placemark

20-22 july: Turtmann, Ch. (read report) google earth placemark

17-19 aug: Hockenheim (read report) google earth placemark



Don't forget to check the 4sale section, there are a lot of fast bikes on it now and many parts.


Race Reports 2006:

1st race: 17-18 june: Hoskovice, Czech rep. (read report)
2nd race: 30 june-2 july: Luckau, Germany. (read report)
3rd race: 8-9 july Kunmadaras, Hungaria. (read report)
4th race: 14-16 july Drachten, the Netherlands. (read report)
5th race: 21-23 july Turtmann, Switserland. (read report)
6th race: 12-13 aug Vandel, Denmark. (read report)

2006 review


Read 2005 reports


Official 1/4 mile record: 7.393 sec.

Set by Gert-jan Laseur/Nl at Drachten, Holland. 23-08-2009


Official 1/8 mile record: 4.654 sec.

Set by Frederik Schack, Denmark at Malmö raceway, Sweden on the 13th of september 2015


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